Heartworms are deadly, and left untreated will grow to be over a foot long. Dying from heartworm disease is painful and causes many problems with multiple organs. Heartworm disease decreases your dog’s quality of life, making it difficult for your dog to participate in any type of physical activity. Untreated heartworm disease is fatal, usually due to heart attack or organ failure. The good news is, nearly all dogs who have heartworms can be successfully treated, and the earlier you catch it, the easier it is to treat. If you miss one month of heartworm prevention medication, you can continue as soon as you remember, but if you miss two months, it’s important to get your dog tested again before continuing treatment, and then again in six months in order to make sure all of the larvae were killed When you want to proactively prevent heartworms or other harmful parasites, Petroglyph Animal Hospital can provide the best care for your pet. The Albuquerque Veterinarian families have rel


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